Bubble Gum Attack!!!



Hane's Words:
"Here is Una's e-mail page. E-mail her anytime you would like anyday of the year (exception of Dec. 20 and Dec.25 Una's birthday and Christmas) she will try and e-mail you back as quickly as possible!!!!"
Your friend,
Hane ^.^

Oh how sweet ^_^ you actually want to e-mail me. I feel so loved ^_^ anywayz, e-mail me compliments, suggestions, flames -_- *sweatdrop* or anything related to the site, or you could just e-mail me if we have something in common and that you want to talk about it (I love it when people e-mail ^.~) But please don't spam my Inbox ;_; the poor thing went through a trial of sickness, and suff, and it can only hold 250 MB, which is not a lot -_- but aside from that you are welcomed to e-mail me if you like ^_^

Don't expect IMMEDIATE answers, I'm a busy girl, I got school, homework, projects and all that other crap that teenagers do, so I'll try and reply as fast as I can, ne?

E-mail the Ninja

Now you can e-mail Hane!!Yes people he shares the inbox with Una also so you can ask him questions and etc also ^_^


Tyson: Una only owns the site, not the characters, unless stated.
Hane gives tours around the site, so don't worry if you get lost!!!!