Bubble Gum Attack!!!



"Here we have the whole story about Una wanting a site, sit back, relax, and bring some popcorn while you are at is, this maybe @.@;;;;"

I've always have wanted a site every since I was nine. Well when you are nine years old you can't really do anything on the net at all. Sometimes I would go into Appleworks and pretend I had a site (so now you REALLY know I wanted a site) So when I turned twelve I got my wish. A site of my own. My first one was YYH Elements, that site is now discontinued because I was not satisfied with is. The next site was King of Candy, my Max Mizuhara shrine, which I have failed to updated in like forever. I also had Pink-Cat, and a few more, and now the master site!!!Bubble Gum Attack, it also linked to my friends sites. You can make friends with them very easily, just as long as you love anime, they'll love you. And so goes my wonderful story about how I wanted a site, so badly....

Have a story to share? Share it by emailing Una and she'll put it up for you if you want to ^_^


Tyson: Una only owns the site, not the characters, unless stated.
Hane gives tours around the site, so don't worry if you get lost!!!!