Bubble Gum Attack!!!



"Here's the info on Una the one who made the site ^_^ hey you learn something new everyday :)"

Name: Una Merrimeck
Age: 13 (almost half)
Gender: FEMALE and 110% striaght!!!
Hair Color: brown
Eye Color: Brown
Skin: Tan
Loves: Chrono
Status: Half Goth
DOB; Dec. 20
Sign: Sagitarrius (and proud of it ^-^)
Main Mood: hyper
Anime: BEYBLADE, Gravitation, Full Metal Alchemist, Megas XLR,Yu-Yu-Hakusho,Code Lyoko
Manga: Fruits Basket, DN Angel, Eerie Queerie, Suki, Wish, Demon Dairy
Likes: Anything Chaotic
Dislikes: Bad things
Positive side: caring, optimistic, honest, artistic, musical
Negative side: avoids conflict, too hyper, can dig into other people's business

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Tyson: Una only owns the site, not the characters, unless stated.
Hane gives tours around the site, so don't worry if you get lost!!!!